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Session Detail

Virtual: Post Secondary Goals vs IEP goals-Know the difference

ESC-20 provides training and technical assistance to district transition contacts and vocational adjustment coordinators in the development and implementation of effective transition services and inter-agency collaboration.

Academic Performance
Increased Learning Time
School Climate
Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction

Important Session Information:


IEP goals are centered around a student's current academic and functional needs within the educational setting, post-secondary transition goals are future-focused, aiming to prepare the student for life beyond school.

Both goals are important components of a comprehensive IEP plan to support students with disabilities throughout their educational journey and beyond and they are both confused. 

This session will discuss the importance of both IEP goals and Postsecondary goals and how to document them in the IEP. 

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(2) Clock Hours
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Samuel Gonzalez
Samuel Gonzalez
Date Time Location
11/19/2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Education Service Center Region 20 - Virtual 12
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208

1314 Hines San Antonio, TX 78208 | Phone: 210-370-5200 | Map

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