ELD Biliteracy Cohort: Meaningful and Authentic English Language Development Instruction for Emergent Bilingual Students
Join me for the unique opportunity to learn the foundations of planning for intentional ELD instruction that supports:
Authentic Literacy Development
Direct and Explicit instruction to develop metalinguistic skills
Language Acquisition (ELPS) and Content Learning (TEKS)
Research-based approaches to develop biliteracy and academic achievement
This Cohort will include the following:
- Three Days of Professional development for bilingual educators implementing one of the four Texas approved Bilingual Programs. The purpose for this cohort is to support bilingual educators withcurriculum, lesson planning, and research based strategies that ensure English Language Development
- Two classroom observations of ELD Implementation that will include immediate coaching and feedback to each participant.
Important Session Information:
Target Audience Requirements:
- Kindergarten-5th grade Bilingual Education classroom teachers
- Have access to TEKS Resource System
- Participants who have completed the Reading Academies
Maximum Size of Cohort:
- 15 Bilingual Classroom Educators