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Session Detail

Comprehending Math, Adapting Reading Strategies to Teach Mathematics K-6

ESC-20 provides professional development and technical assistance to support educators with implementation of the Mathematics TEKS by analyzing data to enhance instructional practices to meet the needs of students, and provides targeted support to reach campus and district goals.

Academic Performance
Increased Learning Time
Teacher Quality

Important Session Information:

Different reading comprehension strategies can be adapted to the math classroom to improve student achievement. In this session we will demonstrate how to build into your teaching practice math-based variations of:

  • K-W-L
  • visualizing
  • asking questions
  • inferring
  • predicting
  • making connections
  • determining importance
  • synthesizing

We will then look at practical ways to "braid" together reading compression, math problem-solving, and thinking to improve math teaching and learning.

Come join us on this cross-curricular journey.

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) Clock Hours
(3) CPE - TEA Provider #015950
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Ashley Armer
Ashley Armer
Date Time Location
11/7/2024 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Riverwalk Room
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208

1314 Hines San Antonio, TX 78208 | Phone: 210-370-5200 | Map

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