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Session Detail

Digital Learning
Day 3: Launch_K-5 Computer Science

ESC-20 provides training and support in the areas of digital learning and instructional technology integration.

Increased Learning Time
Teacher Quality
Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction

Important Session Information:

This is DAY 3 of the Launch_K5 Computer Science program. Attendees must have completed either Session for K-2 Teachers (#103124) or Session for 3-5 Teachers (#103125) or the K-5 Session (#103127). Do not register for this session if you have not already registered for the K-2, 3-5, or K-5 Session.


This is a hands-on session. All participants are required to bring a teacher laptop or Chromebook with power cord and a working Google or Microsoft login (either school or personal). If you have a headset with microphone, please bring that with you to the session.

This session is underwritten by a grant from the WeTeach_CS program

Keywords: Computational Thinking, Technology Applications, Robotics


Drop here!
Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CPE - TEA Provider #015950
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Susan Reeves
Angela Votion
Susan Reeves
Date Time Location
11/6/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Kerr Room
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208

1314 Hines San Antonio, TX 78208 | Phone: 210-370-5200 | Map

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