Computer science is foundational for all students. But a lot of schools don’t teach it, especially at the elementary level. Now you can! With the help of, ESC-20 is providing a no-cost, one day workshop for K-5 teachers interested in teaching computer science. Over 100,000 teachers have participated and the majority say it’s the best PD they’ve ever attended.
You will receive: In-person instruction including an intro to computer science, pedagogy, overview of the online curriculum, teacher dashboard, and strategies for teaching “unplugged” classroom activities. curriculum assists elementary teachers in meeting 100% of the new Technology Applications TEKS!
This session is designed for teachers, librarians, instructional coaches, and administrators for grades K-5 to learn about resources and how to begin to integrate computer science into your future curriculum. This is a BYOD session, please bring your fully charged laptop, tablet or iPad and a power cord.
Lunch will be on your own.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Registration is a two-step process. After registering with ESC-20 you will receive an email link to register with BOTH registrations must be completed to attend this free session.
YOU ARE ONLY ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND THIS SESSION ONE TIME. If you have ever attended a training session, you will be unable to attend. You must be an ELEMENTARY Teacher to attend. If you have any questions about eligibility, please email BEFORE registering.
Key Words: GT Update,, Computer Science, Elementary, STEM, Technology Applications TEKS,