This virtual session is open to all Districts and Charter schools and will include state laws and rules as they apply to graduation requirements, including, HB 5, HB 165 and 19 TAC Chapter 89.1070 (Commissioners rules for graduation requirements for students who receive special education services), requiring Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to ensure course alignment with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) when an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee is considering course modifications.
This session will include information regarding PEIMS codes for courses, graduation codes, programs of study, and students with modified content earning an endorsement.
Additionally, information will be shared on:
- Language Other Than English (LOTE) substitutions;
- Courses of Study;
- Personal Graduation Plans (PGPs);
- Students who do not pass all end of course exams and who may qualify for graduation under an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC); and
- Graduation requirements for the Foundation Plan including, endorsements, performance acknowledgements and distinguished level of achievements.
Participants are encouraged to bring electronic devices to ensure a more interactive experience.
Districts/Charters are strongly encouraged to attend as a Next Step/Action Team consisting of a general and special education supervisor/administrator, registrar, counselor, PEIMS contact, administration, transition, and anyone else involved in or responsible for students graduation.