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Session Detail

Bus Driver Certification
Texas School Bus Driver Certification - ESC-20

The DPS training program covers specific school bus safety education training in accordance with the DPS Program Guide For School Bus Driver Training In Texas, utilizing core materials provided by DPS.  ESC-20 provides supporting and relevant material to every class session.  The initial program length is twenty hours. 

Important Session Information:

The TxDPS training program covers specific school bus safety education training in accordance with the TxDPS Program Guide For School Bus Driver Training In Texas, utilizing core materials provided by TxDPS. ESC-20 provides supporting and relevant material to every class session. The program length is twenty hours (5 days) and taking place at ESC-20.


1314 Hines Avenue

Maples' Conference Center

Maple/Mesquite/Oak/Pecan - 2nd Floor

Education Service Center, Region 20

**Click here to view map of customer parking, which is located at the top of the hill.**

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(20) Clock Hours
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Randal Casteel

Date Time Location
2/2/2021 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Maple Mesquite Oak Pecan Rooms
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208
2/3/2021 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Maple Mesquite Oak Pecan Rooms
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208
2/4/2021 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Maple Mesquite Oak Pecan Rooms
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208
2/9/2021 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Maple Mesquite Oak Pecan Rooms
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208
2/10/2021 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Maple Mesquite Oak Pecan Rooms
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208
Recommended Event Titles
Bus Driver Certification
3 sessions

1314 Hines San Antonio, TX 78208 | Phone: 210-370-5200 | Map

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