This session will provide information on how to complete the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application for 2023-2024.
The following topics will be discussed:
- How to navigate and complete the application
- Effective date for use of funds
- When to amend an application
- When specific approval for cost items is needed
- Allowable use of IDEA-B funds, including the requirement for written procedures on how the local educational agency (LEA) determines a cost is allowable
- Proportionate share funds for parentally-placed private school children with disabilities
- Basic information regarding the BS6016 Fiscal Compliance Schedule
TEAL Access:
TEAL access is required to access the eGrants application. If you do not have this access, please refer to TEA's website at:
The workshop will still be beneficial to participants who do not have TEAL access.
Course Information:
Course Prerequisites: None
Proposed Audience: Special Education Directors, Federal Program Directors