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Session Detail

Early Childhood Special Education Services (ECSE)
Virtual: Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO/SPPI 7) for Teachers and Administrators

ESC-20 provides training and technical assistance for teachers of students with disabilities ages 3-5 years (birth - 5 years for students with visual and/or hearing impairments).

Academic Performance
Increased Learning Time
Teacher Quality
Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction

Important Session Information:

This virtual session is for Teachers AND Administrators. Since the fall of 2007, school districts in Texas have been responsible to assess and report the progress of all preschoolers aged 3-5 with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This workshop explains the history behind the Early Childhood Outcomes and how it relates to the State Performance Plan Indicator 7 (SPPI 7). Participants will learn to complete the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) as well as the process involved in reporting data to TEA and how to interpret district outcomes data. 

*Session #94715 ECO in the Early Childhood Classroom covers application of Early Childhood Outcomes in the Preschool/ECSE Classroom. It is recommended that Teachers take both sessions in order to obtain a full understanding of the Early Childhood Outcome process. 

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(3) Clock Hours
(3) CPE - TEA Provider #015950
Seats Available:
Contact Person:
Sarah Cave
Diana Glass
Sarah Cave
Date Time Location
9/12/2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Education Service Center Region 20 - Virtual 19
1314 Hines, San Antonio, 78208
Recommended Event Titles
Early Childhood Special Education Services (ECSE)
1 session

1314 Hines San Antonio, TX 78208 | Phone: 210-370-5200 | Map

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