SPED C.A.M.P. Virtual Series
ESC-20 Statewide Special Education Liaisons have developed a virtual series designed specifically for Campus Administrators to learn more about creating successful school programs that meet the needs of students with disabilities. Campus Administrators Making Progress for Students in Special Education (SPED C.A.M.P.) features 9 one-hour virtual sessions to be delivered from ESC-20 experts.
Register to participate LIVE from 1:30 pm -2:30 pm on the dates listed below, or plan to watch the virtual recording emailed to you after the session is completed.
Join SPED C.A.M.P at any point throughout the school year and have access to all recorded sessions and handouts.
Please NOTE: After you complete your registration you will receive a registration confirmation via email that contains the ZOOM link to view the virtual sessions AND a link to a Google folder for access to download the handouts and view the recorded sessions afterwards.
If you do not receive the registration confirmation email, please check your JUNK/SPAM inbox.
Reminder emails will be sent 1-2 days prior to each scheduled virtual session with ZOOM link and handout information.
The 2023-2024 SPED C.A.M.P. webinar series includes:
1. September 11, 2023: MTSS/504
This session will look at the main components of Section 504 and the MTSS framework. We will provide an overview of the requirements of Section 504 and the formation of a MTSS team and their roles in the framework.
2. October 16, 2023: Dyslexia Services for Administrators
This session will explore answers to some of the most frequently asked dyslexia related questions by administrators.
3. November 27, 2023: Tackling the 1%
This session will review the information regarding the STAAR Alternate 2 participation requirements as well as best practices when facilitating learning for students with most complex needs. Participants will leave with a clearer understanding of qualifications for the STAAR ALT 2 assessment and how to support teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities.
4. December 11, 2023: Reflective tool: Evidence Based Practices for Students Who Receive Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Services
Join us to learn about this NEW tool developed in collaboration between the Inclusion in Texas Network and TEA. The resource is intended to support Local Education Agency (LEA) teachers and administrators in ensuring the presence of developmentally appropriate practices within the preschool classroom. The tool can be utilized by both administrators and teachers in building and supporting a strong early childhood special education program.
5. January 29, 2024: Classroom Management Essentials
We will explore essential classroom/behavior management procedures and social skills that lead to successful outcomes for students, functionally and academically.
6. February 19, 2024: Master Scheduling Overview
This session will provide a brief one-hour overview of the basics of Master Scheduling. Participants will learn what to consider when creating a master schedule to meet the needs of students in special education and 504 services. Other factors that impact the master schedule will be discussed as well.
7. March 18, 2024: More Than Accommodations: Understanding Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)
Specially designed instruction (SDI) is the special education service(s) a student needs, in addition to general education, because of an identified disability. The SDI is tailored specifically to address the impact the disability has on a student’s learning. It is designed to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum and to enable the child to meet Individualized Education Program (IEP) annual goals. This session will give a high-level overview of specially designed instruction (SDI), including key instructional terminology, essential components, and resources for determining and planning specially designed instruction (SDI). Participants will gain increased knowledge in providing intentional support for educators who deliver special education services to students with disabilities and participate in the design and delivery of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
8. April 15, 2024: When Families and Schools Might Disagree, Use Effective Communication
A key indicator or student success entails a collaborative effort that is best fostered when open and supportive communication is established between the family, the student, and the school. This session will provide tips and tools for effective listening, sharing information, and framing questions to help foster positive relationships with your students' family.
9. May 13, 2024: Connecting Transition to Graduation Success
Session will make the connection between students interests and preferences in transition planning to a successful graduation and accountability. Session will include references to TAC 89.1070, CCMR accountability and graduation codes