It’s me. Hi. I’m the new 504 Coordinator.
New year, new role and now YOU are the new 504 Campus Coordinator for your campus.
This 90 minute virtual session is designed for campus administrators/staff that are new to serving as a campus 504 coordinator. This course will provide you with a foundation in Section 504 through the lens of a coordinator/facilitator/administrator. We’ve all attended 504 meetings but what do you do now that you are leading them?
Join us in this virtual space to learn and explore the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of Section 504. This 101 course is sure to start you on the right foot with establishing a strong foundation of understanding and providing you with tips to start your year.
**Although this session is designed for new campus 504 coordinators, District 504 leadership is welcome to attend alongside admin. You can then follow the training with procedures specific for your LEA and/or use it to drive where you go next with training and support.
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with details to access the live zoom session. Participants will need access to an electronic device that will allow the use of Zoom. We ask that all participants have their camera on and that all engage in the chat and/or breakout room features.