In this 2-day workshop, participants will learn how to use Essential for Living (EFL), a life skills curriculum and assessment instrument for children and adults with limited skill repertoires and moderate-to-severe problem behavior.
Participants will identify necessary components to addressing communication, behavior, and functional skills for learners with cognitive and developmental disabilities and/or autism and discuss behavior management and crisis stabilization procedures for learners.
EFL is based on concepts, principles, and empirically-validated procedures from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and from B. F. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior, but it requires no previous knowledge or experience with ABA or verbal behavior. It can be used in conjunction with other curricula, including The VB-MAPP, PECS, The ABLLS-R, The Lovaas Curriculum, A Work in Progress, The Early Start Denver Model, The ACE Curriculum, The Murdoch Center Program Library, and The MOVE Curriculum.
EFL is designed for teachers, speech-language pathologists, behavior analysts, behavior specialists, curriculum coordinators, providers of residential and vocational services, and support coordinators who work with children and adults with moderate-to-severe disabilities. It is especially suited for individuals with limited skill repertoires, limited-to-no speaking skills, and/or severe problem behavior.
For more information, please visit the website: